Tuesday, September 8, 2009

This is Mindy and May sandpapering the fridge in preparation for the Dry Erase Board Paint!

Me being artistic with the pile of magnets.....

We have gotten a lot of free furniture and we had an extra tv and DVD player, so we turned our garage into another Living room! It is actually kinda nicer than the inside living room other than the no heat/ air condishioner part....heheh. We even got some free carpet so it's not hard cold concrete! We have two love seats, a couch, and two chairs out there, and a full size couch and a love seat and a recliner inside! Anyway, I should probably go study for Life of Christ now, so Bye.
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Ruby Hardbottle said...

Looks very cozy!

Chris/Jan said...

You should be able to use it for a nice extra space until it gets cold.

fergylf said...

wow, looks like a great party house. I can't wait to come visit. :)