Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Week

Hey guys. I am doing very well here. I started work on Monday evening, and that was fine. I was doing the grill, and I was really tired afterwords, but I also worked Saturday in the dish room, and that was fine. I am trying to see if they will let me switch my Saturday shift for another day so that I can make trips home and stuff. I also work tonight at 6:30. Classes started on Wednesday, and I enjoyed them. They are kinda overwhelming just because there are 6 of them when I am only used to 4, and they last a lot longer than my other classes lasted because it s a semester not a quarter. However, I think that I will be able to handle it. lol. I am making friends here. My hall mates are hilarious! There is this one girl named Sarah who makes me laugh every time I see her. I am also good friends with my RA, Bonnie. There are only, about 16 of us down in the basement, which is nice, because I already know a lot of them and it is easier to grow close to them. I went to Salem Heights Church this morning with Bonnie, and I enjoyed it. I am going to visit a few other churches though just to see if I can find one with a worship service more like I am used to. I went to the early service, so my hall is very quiet with only me and Bonnie here.
Earlier this week my cell phone stopped working for a couple days, but then a friend of mine told me to turn it off and on, and that fixed it. It turns out that if I just turn it on in the basement where there is no service, and then leave, then it still doesn't connect to the service. So I have to turn if off and then on again to make sure it gets service.
Today I have to do homework and then I work in the evening. I really enjoyed my first week, and I am excited about starting my next one. I hope you guys are all having a good life back at home.
Love you lots,

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Settling In

So this weekend has been kinda Jam-packed with events and stuff. Yesterday we went to a "workshop" on how to get involved in Corban. We had other choices but that was the best one. It was fine, but it was basically ASB telling us all of their fun events coming up. lol. My roomate and I desided to skip the evening games because I hadn't slept very well the night before and she wanted to go to a craft store, and I went with her. It was the most amazing craft store ever! It had fabric, (and I think it has a quilting club), and card making stuff, stamps and then all other crafting supplies possible. My roomate and I found these awesome stamps that are CLEAR!!! Which makes it so easy to line them up on the paper. They were also in the bargain bin for a dollar each, and each packet had about 3 stamps, so I bought 3 of them. I'm kinda excited about them.
Then today, instead of scrambling to find a local church, Corban had a sunday survice. They normally don't but because it was the first weekend, they did. It was fine. Later, my core group all went to Silver Falls, which is about 35 minutes away. We took a bus, and I sat in the way back and got kinda car sick, but luckily the drive wasn't too long. When we reached the park, we ate and went on a hike. The hike was beautiful, but I am super out of shape and the way back was all up hill, so I kinda lagged behind. This really nice guy stayed behind with me though, which was sweet, but I was kinda embarressed because he was real athletic and I was out of breath and sweating alot, and it started to kinda sprinkle just as we were getting back. But we finally got back and we watched some of the more energetic people play volley ball. I just know I am going to be sore tomarrow.
Tonight, my dorm hall had a get-together. There are about 15 of us, and a lot of them are Freshmen, which is fine. I really like that it is a smaller group. We played games and talked. It was cool though becuase one of the games was telephone pictionary, and that's the first time I've played it out of my family.
Tomarrow is another busy day. It looks like I will have a lot of events with my core goup, which is good becuase it gives me a chance to chat w/ people. I will try to blog often.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Arrival at Corban

Hi guys! I am all moved in at Corban now! YAY! Mom, Dad and I packed up my car and theirs early Friday morning and were on the road by 9:00. We arrived around 11:00 and went to the gym to sign in and stuff. That took about an hour and a half. Then we started moving all my stuff into the room. We soon ran into my new roommate, who I don't have a picture of yet...sorry. After several trips to buy necessary wires, and tacks, I finally felt settled. There were a few glitches, my tv ended up not working, and it took a lot longer to move in than we first estimated. All too soon Mom and Dad needed to leave. It was an emotional goodbye, but after they left I made a new friend and went down to dinner. That night we were split into our "core groups" which are basically support groups I guess. All the transfer students are in one core group. These groups meet periodically and do fun stuff and least that's the impression I got. Today has been rather slow, . . . although I kinda feel like things are going too fast and I am already falling behind. lol. However I'm sure that will pass once I get into the groove of the schedule and stuff. I still need to buy books, and I was going to after dinner, I brought my wallet and everything, then I realized that I forgot my class schedule in my dorm the very top of the hill that is Corban. . . . so once I walked all the way up here again, I decided to wait for a while before I went down again. . . . grr. I guess I should go. I will keep you updated on everything.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

It's getting closer-only 5 more days

Hi everyone. I am getting more excited every day for my upcoming move to college. I have been working on my packing. I have about 5-6 boxes packed and stacked in Laura's old room. I have about another 1-2 boxes I can pack now, but most of it has to wait for the night before I leave, or even the morning of, like my clothes, and my pillow and alarm clock and stuff. I have gotten everything I need to buy, the last things I bought this afternoon included a clip on lamp for my bed and a pair of pants for work. I am feeling more ready, and now I am just counting down the days! I have packed week ahead of me. Tomorrow, Laura is throwing a going away party for me and some of my friends and I am having a family going away event on Tuesday. I am finishing up work for Freedom Bookkeeping this week, and also for my nannying job. Things are looking to be in order! I saw JonTon+D last weekend and that was fun. They were here for several days so I had fun hanging out with David while they climbed a mountain and just hanging out with JonTon also. (From what I heard of the trip up the mountain, I am not at all anxious to make that trip any time soon!) I'm going to miss everyone a lot, but I am so excited to start this next chapter of my life, and to face the many challenges of being "on my own", although I don't know if living in a sheltered Christian college dorm can be considered "on my own." lol. Well, I suppose that is it for now. Not much else to say. I will see most of you later this week, and then I'll be off!
'Till then,

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

17 days until I move to Corban

So the countdown has started, and I am super excited. I started cleaning my room yesterday, but I didn't get very far. I cleared out a corner of my room, and bagged up my bedding that I am bringing, but other than that, not much is done. I am going to work on it again this afternoon. I also went shopping last night with Mom. We went to Walmart and got most of everything on my list. Some of the big stuff included a printer, hair dryer, and new sheets, but the list went on and on after that. It was kinda fun though, because, I got to pick out my own laundry soap, and I got some that smells amazingly good. It is Gain Joyful Expressions, and it is completely girly and awesome. It smells like fruit! It was kinda funny because I had smell all the soap and my nose got kinda overwhelmed by all the scents. lol! We were exhausted after we were done, but I feel like we are getting more prepared, which is good because I am leaving in a little over 2 weeks.
The Terry Taylor garage sale was last weekend, and I really enjoyed seeing everyone. David is so much more active now. It is so great seeing him eat real food....well real baby food anyway. lol. At the garage sale I got a cool lamp for my desk at school. I also got some cute black with white polka dot shoes (with bows). I also got three shirts, which is exciting.
I also found out what dorm I will be in and who my roommate is. I will be living in Prewitt (which was my first choice of dorms), which is the girl's wing of Prewitt VanGilder. VanGilder is the guys wing, and it is connected by a common room. I will be living in the basement hall, which is smaller, but still has other girls down there. It also has different windows. Also, the laundry is in the basement, so it will be easier to get laundry done. My roommate is named Megan Wozniak. She is from California. She is blonde and really pretty. She is transferring in as a Junior just like me. She is double majoring in Journalism and Business. I have talked a little with her and we seem to get along pretty nicely.
I don't know what else there is to say, so I guess I will sign off now. I am going to try to post once a week, unless a bunch of exciting stuff happens and I can post more often. That way they can still be interesting, but not too far apart. We'll see how well that plan goes once I am at Corban. lol.
Bye guys.