Monday, February 23, 2009

The Goings On

Hey guys. I know I seem to blog most when I am close to or just visited, but I can't help it. Kinda a lot has happened, and at the same time, not so much. I have joined a small group of young adults through my church on Monday nights. There are about 6 couples and a few singles who attend. The couples have several kids, one couple doesn't have any, and three of the couples are expecting kids all due within like 3 weeks of each other! lol. Kinda funny. It's led by the children's pastor of the church I attend in Stayton, called Foothills. I am really enjoying services there and am so thankful for a way to connect with others who are young adults. I went last week and tonight and i really enjoy it. It is really going to help to know people on Sunday when I go to church! I didn't really know anybody before this, and it's kinda a relief to meet new people, even if it is out of my comfort zone to go to stranger's houses. lol.
Last week the house was in a brand new development, so I couldn't get decent directions online, plus they are doing construction on the part of highway 22 so the detour threw me off, and I still don't know how I found their house, but I kinda just stumbled upon it, and that was pretty lucky, because I had no clue where I was. lol. This time I found the place alright, although it was kinda creepy because it was down this one way gravel driveway that was a tunnel of trees and I kept wondering where I would go if a car came up the drive, but it didn't. After the bible study, I came out and realized that I had locked my keys in the car because I had paused to make a phone call before going in, and left my keys hanging in the ignition and then locked the doors!! I luckily had my purse, cell phone, and a spare key handy, but I had to kneel in the wet muddy gravel because it had been pouring all day long. Oh well. At least I had an adventure.
Today in Chapel, our college kicked off a new club called the Sparrow Club, which is a National organization that partners with schools, colleges, and businesses to help support children and their families with medical needs. Each club sponsors one child and in return for any kind of community service done, the local business donates $10 per hour to the family to be used for medical needs. At chapel today, the child our school will be sponsoring was introduced to us. It was so great to see this club being put into action at Corban, and helping kids with chronic medical needs is one of my passions, so I am really looking forward to getting more involved with the club and seeing how this child is helped.
Formal is in 2 weeks, on the 7th of March. I am going to go with a group of friends from school, Emily, and Chelsea. My roommate was asked on a date, so she will be going separately. I am really looking forward to it. I went home last weekend to try on my dress from high school (among other things) and I think it is going to work just fine. :) I am looking forward to getting all dressed up! I am also looking forward to seeing David for his 1st birthday party!!! YAY! It will be fun seeing all of the family and such.
Classes are going well, and I am enjoying them for the most part. :) There is always one or two classes that you wish you could fix, but whatever. This week is semi-busy, I have a paper due on Wednesday and Friday. It will be fine though.
I look forward to seeing everyone in a few days! Have a great week!