Happy New Year everyone! I have been at Corban now for 4 days. I arrived on Monday afternoon around 3 because I thought that was when my roommates were moving in/out. My old roommate, Megan, arrived around 4ish and began to move upstairs. Heidi didn't arrive until Tuesday night around 9ish. She told me to rearrange the room however I wanted, and we both decided that we would like to bunk our beds. So I went to the task of bunking our beds on Tuesday afternoon. However, it wasn't just a simple task of stacking them, because when we tried, it wouldn't shift the right way, and we thought we had mixed matched beds. That meant I had to go around and try to find a bed that would work with my pegs and be the right length. After a thorough search, I came up empty handed. So we decided to try to stack the same beds again, but take off the bottom board so that it would be lighter and easier to shift back and forth. It worked! YAY! I have the top bunk and Heidi has the bottom bunk. Once Heidi arrived, we rearranged a little more. We moved one of the wardrobes over next to the bunk bed so that I can use the top of it for a night stand of sorts for my alarm clock and lamp. I still need to move over my dresser so that it is closer to my desk, but everything is shaping up nicely. I am so glad that I am rooming with Heidi! We get along and laugh and talk. She is very good for me and the basement because she brings us up to the top levels for interaction with other people. lol. She's kinda our ambassador to the 1st floor. I actually spent about 4 hours in the lobby on Wednesday night because Heidi made tea and then we played fooz ball with some other people.
My classes are going well so far. On Wednesday, I had five classes in a row. It was less stressful than I thought it was going to be, mainly because the majority of the teachers let us out early because there was little to do but go over the syllabus. I signed up today for sack lunches and so that will be good. I will be able to pick those up in between classes and eat them then. Today was pretty simple. I had a class at 9, then I just hung out until about noon when I went to lunch. I worked from 1-3 in the dish room. It's my first time working in the dish room on a permanent basis, and it is my first day shift. It is a very different dynamic. There are fewer students working. It is better than janitor shift, but I don't like getting wet, and I don't like how hot the dishes are when they come out of the dishwasher. However, I am very greatful that I am no longer doing the Janitor shift!
That is about all for now. I will try to blog on a regular basis.