Saturday, September 20, 2008

Dorm Days

Hey guys. Last night, my dorm had a hang out time from midnight to 3 for all they guys and girls. We played some games; I learned two new games, Killer Bunny, and Bang!, which are kinda the same type of games as munchkin, and they are fun. I was the first one out in Bang!, then I went and won Killer Bunny, so that's great. It was a lot of fun. Then around 1:30, both RDs, (which are a husband and wife) surprised everyone with a plastic ball attack (which is w/ those plastic balls that are in ball pits) and we all had fun attacking each other w/ plastic balls. After about a half hour, the RD (Jen), my RA (Bonnie) and another girl from my hall and I slipped out to the patio and watched through the windows, as the fight continued for another half hour! It was so much fun! After that, things calmed down a bit and a lot of people went to bed, but I stayed up and played poker with some of the the dorm mates. I lost...pretty fantastically. lol. I got to bed around 3 AM, but it was totally worth it. Today, I have some homework to do, then I'm gonna hang out with a friend of mine upstairs. I am so glad it's Saturday!


fergylf said...

Sounds like loada of fun. We will have to learn some new games. :)

Chris/Jan said...

Glad you are having fun!

Ton Lynn said...

hey- they changed the address on the album, I fixed my link so you should be all set :)