Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools and other happenings

Hey everyone! So, if you have been trying to contact me, and have wondered why on earth I have suddenly started to ignore EVERYONE, well, the answer is simple: my phone was "dusty" and decided it was time for it's own spring break. lol. yeah, for some reason it could not receive texts or calls or sent them, but my roommate took out the battery and blew on it and tada! my phone is fixed! What would I do without Heidi? However, I thought it kinda funny that I didn't realize that anything was wrong with my phone for about 2 days! haha...apparently, I don't call or test/ receive calls and texts very often...heheh. What does that say about me? I'm not sure.

In other news, It's April Fools Day! and with trepidation, I awoke knowing that this day would be filled with.....happenings. Yesterday, my roommate spent half the night plotting what little things she could do to everyone in our hall! I knew that even though I held the high position of roommate, I would not be allowed to escape the plots, and therefore was alert of all the goings on around me. First, she put sticky stars all over Erin's room. Erin took it very well, she loves pranking, and she still has the toilet paper draped over her ceiling from the last person to prank her about 3 weeks ago! She was very excited about her stars, and the addition they made to her room.

Next she rearranged the drawers of our neighbors to the right of us. This was taken less kindly, but ended in a hug and a smile, and as they say, All's well that ends well.

Our neighbors on our left have one of those plastic drawer sets, and Heidi took all the stuff out of the bottom drawer, and filled it with water and put fish in it! I must say, this was my favorite one of her pranks, and It was also taken pretty well. It was so clever of her.

For Bonnie, she did a classic Office prank. She put her piggy bank in Jell-O! She plugged the hole on top first. Bonnie's reaction is still to-be-announced, she has mysteriously not said anything about it, even when the subject of the other hall pranks has been broached! I know she saw it though, because I saw the said piggy bank on her desk completely clean and back in it's original spot. :). Odd.....

Two of our other hall mates were pretty tricky, they lock their door if they aren't in there (for some inexplicable reason! What, do they think someone is going to sneak in and do something to their stuff? Oh, ....well, I guess that's realistic....) So, Heidi just taped pictures of monsters to their window, not too exciting.

Anyway. With all this pranking, She has not gotten around to pranking me yet....and It's making me nervous, because she said that something is coming, and she said that it wasn't necessarily going to be today, but she said I wouldn't hate her for'll see....I'm still nervous! I kinda think it's unfair to postpone an April Fool's prank until after April Fool's Day, but that's just me. More on this when something happens!


PS: For those of you who are worried, I was not personally involved in the planning or implementing of any of the above pranks.

1 comment:

Chris/Jan said...

Fun when it happens to others. Keep us posted.