Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Corban Happenings

Hello all! Today was my first day of classes. It was really stressful. I had a million books that I lugged to campus, but luckily I have a locker so I didn't have to take them to every class. The day started out fine with Social Psych. It's taught by Rich Meyers, who I'm sure you will remember is not my favorite teacher, but it looks like I will only have him for one class so I might retain my sanity this quarter. However getting to Social Psych was quite a task in and of itself. Me being the punctual person, I typed up my schedule earlier this summer so that I knew what classes were where at what time so that I wouldn't have to get confused by looking at the schedule and accidentally miss a class. Apparently I was a tad premature in my planning ahead, because the class room locations had changed drastically. only 1 of the 4 classes I took that day were in the original classrooms. Of course I didn't find this out until it was 10 minutes to my class, at which time I rush to the computer lab to find the right classroom. Of course, I didn't even think to check all my other classes to make sure they were in the same classrooms, so after my leisurely lunch and my Life of Christ class, I soon realize that Psych of Addiction is not in the same room either. Thus I repeat the run to the computer lab and check all my class times to make sure they are correct. I was a little late to Psych of Addiction, but the teacher is really nice and she didn't mind. Next was Theology 1 with Kersey who I really enjoy so I think that class will be great. The syllabi were rather overwhelming, but after writing down all the semester's assignments in a planner, it looks like it will be an ok semester.

Heidi got us a free washing machine, but when she did her first load of clothes, it turned out that the whole washer was VERY dirty. So much so that a couple rinse cycles didn't clean it out much. So Heidi and a couple of the guys who hang around our house (Such as May's boyfriend Kyle) took the whole thing apart and cleaned it all out. Quite a task. We just did a small load of non-essentials to test it out, and it looks like that deep clean did the trick! So, $8 on a new hot water hose, and 4 hours of manual labor later and we got a washer and a dryer! YAY.

We had our first house meeting, and with everyone's busy schedules it was the first time all 6 of us girls had been in the house at the same time other than sleeping since we all moved in! We decided to do a weekly bible study/bonding time/house meeting on Tuesday afternoons. We also divided up chores, and instead of having a wheel of chores that rotates, we are each having one chore that we do the whole semester/year. At first I was skeptical that this would be fair and work out to everyone's benefit, but one of the housemates really loves cleaning the bathroom, so that took care of that. lol. I am now the official shopper for the house. I will be buying all the essentials that everyone in the house needs and will chip in for together so that we don't all buy flour and eggs and milk and so forth. Fine with me. I don't mind that and that means I get to pick up all the dirt cheep stuff and don't have to chip in for brand name stuff! yay. The girls were all for that, and it also helps that I have Heidi's other costco card when it comes time to buy toilet paper and such.

Anyway, I think that's about it. I am gong to go triple check my schedule for tomorrow to make 105% sure that I have the right time and room number written down. As if I wasn't OCD enough already when it came to punctuality....


Chris/Jan said...

Thanks for the pictures. What did you guys decide about cooking? Mom

fergylf said...

Your room looks good! :) Glad to hear things are going well, minus the crazy classroom switches.

Teresa said...

oh yeah, I forgot to post that part. We decided to not be very rigid about it, but to have each person sign up for the days in the month that they want to do it, and if it doesn't even out by the end of a couple months we will rethink it. I think that's good tho cuz there are such things as horribly busy days of homework, so I think its going to be great.

Chris/Jan said...

How did your rice turn out?